Join Us

How to join our club

Training is held each Sunday at the Milton Showground during the months of February to December, with the first Sunday in December being our last training day of the year before the Christmas / January break.

Baby puppies (under 4 months) may commence on any Sunday of the month and will join Baby Puppy class. New members with dogs over 4 months commence a  Quick Start course on the 1st Sunday of each month. Your Instructor will provide practice notes for the first 4 weeks of the course.  To progress from Class 1 to Class 2 and Class 2 to Class 3 you will need to pass an Assessment. 

You must bring proof of your dog’s immune status (vaccination or titre certificate) and a water bowl for your dog to use. Please wear filled in shoes such as trainers for class.

Classes progress through to Classes 1, 2, and 3. We provide Obedience Training, including Rally, Tricks and Agility classes. Agility Classes are currently held on Saturday mornings. Handlers interested in Agility training must attend a pre-agility course with their dog. Pre-agility courses run for 4 weeks and are organised based on Instructor availability and interest from members. Your Instructor will provide more information on all the training provided at our Club so please ask them if you have any questions. The annual fees listed below cover all classes at the Club.  If you own more than one dog in your household you can train them at Club at no extra cost. 


New Members

Initial Joining Fee $15.00 plus annual Membership fee $10 single or $11 family

Annual Training Fee $90 (February) and covers class attendance for the whole year on a sliding monthly scale as follows: March $81 April $72 May $63 June $54 July $45 August $36 September $27 October $18 November $90 (which will cover all classes for the following year as well and so your Classes in November are free)

Renewing Members

Membership Renewal Fee $10 single $11 family and due in February each year

Training Fee $90

Casual Membership for existing members

Renewal Fee $10

Training Fee $5 per session

InstructorsRenewal Fee $10

Payment options:

New member:Cash or Card (EFT) when attending on the day of registration/orientation
Renewing member:Cash or Card (EFT) before 8:45 AM on Sundays before or by the due date in February.
Alternatively, you may transfer your membership fees direct to Milton Ulladulla Dog Training Club account with IMB Ulladulla, using your surname and your dog’s name as reference; please arrange to have a receipt sent to
BSB 641800    Account No. 200854974

Bring with you

  • Proof of your dog’s immune status must be shown when you join the Club, and yearly thereafter
  • Your completed Membership Form
  • Ensure that you have read the Club Rules within the New Member Information

Information Sheet

Here is some useful information about training your dog: