Frequently Asked Questions

Milton Showground at 107 Croobyar Road Milton NSW 2538

You can join with a puppy aged 16 weeks and under on any Sunday that training classes are held. Dogs over 16 weeks can only join on the 1st Sunday of each month when our 4 week introductory course begins. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early on your first day. 

You will need to complete our Membership Form and provide proof of your dog’s immune status.

One off Joining Fee $15: Annual Membership Fee $10 single $11 Family: Training Fees: sliding scale detailed in our Join Us Section. Your fees cover your attendance with your dog at all training classes held by the Club for that year during the months of February – December.  Our last training day each year is usually on the 1st Sunday in December and we resume on the 1st Sunday in February of the following year.

Children may train their dog provided they are supervised by their parent, carer or guardian.

Obedience Classes (Sundays):

Puppy, Quick Start and Class 1 – 8.30am – 9.10am

Classes 2 and 3 – 9.20am – 10.00am

Refresher Group (Sundays) 8.30am and 9.20am

Rally: date and time for classes will be notified to members by email and Facebook.

Trick Training date and time for classes will be notified to members by email and Facebook.

Ringcraft/trialling group date and time for class will be notified to members by email and Facebook.

Agility: As advised

  • Your dog’s training collar and lead and your name badge
  • Poo Bags, and a water bowl for your dog. Do not share water bowls.
  • Half size sandwich bag full of soft tasty treats for your dog, cut into small pieces i.e. 4 pieces would make up a 5 cent piece. 
  • Clicker
  • Other training gear such as dumbbell, toys, tuggy

It is a great idea to have all your training gear in the bag supplied so it’s always ready to pick up and bring along to training.

You must wear suitable footwear, such as trainers – scuffs and thongs are not permitted

We will post a notice on our Home page and Facebook page and email members as early as possible

Don’t worry just resume classes the following week or as soon as you can

When you first join Club you will either start in Puppy Class or Quick Start class.  Your Puppy Class Instructor will let you know when you are ready to progress to Quick Start, and this is usually based on the age of your puppy.

Quick Start commences the first Sunday of each month and is initially a 4 week course, held each Sunday morning.  After completing the 4 Sunday classes you progress to the 2nd level Quick Start class where you will continue your training until your Instructor lets you know you are ready to graduate to Class 1.

To gain promotion from Class 1 to Class 2 and subsequently Class 2 to Class 3 you will need to successfully complete an assessment.  Assessments will usually be the 3rd Sunday of the month during  class time.  Details of the assessment requirement can be found in the Training Section of this site. 

We hold Rally, Agility and Trick classes on separate days to our Obedience classes. There is also a ringcraft/trialling group. These are held at the Showground and last for 1 hour.  They are not held every week and all members receive an email to let them know when classes are on.  Any member can attend our Rally and Trick classes, as both have beginner sections. 

To register for Agility classes your dog must be 12 months of age or over.  Ask at the Clubhouse for your name to be added to the list in the Agility book.  Initially you must attend our pre-agility course which is scheduled subject to Instructor availability and numbers of members wishing to participate.  Once the pre-agility classes have been scheduled, members whose names are on the list will receive an email providing them with details.

Demonstration Team

Our Demo Team meets at 8am on Tuesday mornings at the Showground to practice our routines.  Your dog needs to be at a level where it will stay reliably and is comfortable around other dogs.  Please talk with Instructor Liz if you are interested in joining our team.

If you are a new member but have been training elsewhere, let us know and we will arrange a short assessment to advise which Class is best for you to start your training with our Club.