About Us


Obedience Training is held at the rear of Milton Showground, 107 Croobyar Road, Milton on Sunday mornings from February to December each year.  

 Puppies aged 16 weeks or under can join our Baby Puppy Training Class on any Sunday. Dogs over 16 weeks of age attend our Quick Start course which commences on the 1st Sunday of each month. Members continue their training in Classes 1, 2 and 3. There is no prescribed length of time a dog remains in any one class – including Quick Start, where you can remain until you feel confident about moving up. Click here for list of exercises practiced in each Class.

Assessment to graduate from Class 1 to Class 2 and Class 2 to Class 3 are held on 3rd Sunday in the month and is based on these assessment sheets: Class 1 Class 2 

Rally instruction classes are usually held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday afternoons in the month.  Trick training Classes are usually held 2nd and 4th Wednesday & Saturday afternoons each month. Ringcraft/Trialling Class usually held once a month on the fourth Sunday.  Instruction in sports events such as Disc work, Treibball and Flyball is offered when instructors are available and there is member interest.

The Club is affiliated to the Agility Dog Association of Australia  and agility classes are currently held on Saturday mornings. Your dog must be 12 months of age or over and attend a 4 week pre-agility course before starting agility.

Annual Awards are presented in the following categories: 

Throughout the year we usually hold regular Club Competitions to assess the dogs that qualify for the following awards

  • MUDTC Outstanding Achievement Award
  • Most Improved Agility
  • Most Improved Rally 

Perpetual Trophies

  • Peter Smith and Jimmy Award for Most Persistent Handler
  • Anne Cook Award for Most Improved Handler Overall
  • Lyn Brooks Award Champion Companion Dog
  • Marion Mann Trophy
  • President’s Trophy – Club Novice
  • Elementary Trophy
  • Sammy Ball Young Achiever Award
  • Tessa Rudd Trophy for Club Agility
  • Penny Cullen Memorial Bowl for Club Agility
  • Kelly Venning Memorial Trophy Encouragement Agility Award
  • Most Titles Achieved Award
  • Rally O Novice
  • Rally O Advanced

Committee & Instructors

Volunteer committee members are elected at our AGM each year. Committee meetings are held after Sunday training at 10.15am usually every 2nd month at the Showground. Club Members will be advised of the actual meeting date in advance, and all members are welcome to attend.  Click here for information about Club’s Committee Roles.

Committee Members

President – Jan Lyall
Vice-President – Liz Karacsonyi
Secretary – Janet Smith
Assistant Secretary – Jenny Patch
Treasurer/Public Officer – Bea Mies
New Member Officer – Colleen Ringe
Catering Officer – Jenny Patch
General Committee Member – Lori Muir
General Committee Member – Janis Price

Left  to right rear: Bea; Jenny; Liz

Left to right front: Janet; President Jan; Lori; Janis (Colleen not available)


Liz Karacsonyi – Obedience Team Leader
Rosie Milton & Jenny Marshall – Agility Team Leaders
Adele Porter & Gai Speirs- Rally  Team Leaders
Rosie Milton – Trick Training Leader
Anne Snow – Ringcraft Class
Jenny Patch
Janet Smith
Bea Mies
Janis Price
Rick Venning
Adele Porter
Carolyn Heron
Mark Wilden
Natalie Moore
Paula Coller

Assistant Instructors

Jan Lyall
Chris Ruelle
Lori Muir

Demonstration Team

Our Demonstration Team has been providing displays at many varied local events for several years. The team meets each Tuesday morning at 8am and new members are always welcome. Dogs in the obedience team have usually achieved the proficiency to be in Class 3 and must have very reliable stays.

Club History

40th Anniversary 1979-2019 Celebrated 28 July 2019

Click here to view the club history